Saturday, March 31, 2007

Which Name to use?

The other day at work I asked one of my new regulars, her name. She told me her name and whilst rare, was not unusual. Having said that, it is probably the first time I have met someone with that name. As I was rolling it around in my brain, she then said that I am also called Candy. You can call me that if you like.

I quickly thought about it and decided to use her full name, much to her delight. As I thought on it later I realized that I had inadvertently done the right thing; for had she really wanted me to use the shortened form of her name, she would have given that to me first.

What about you? Are you happy with your name but allow others to shorten it if they can’t handle the full thing?

My name has quite a few variations. The only one I really don’t like is Wally, but even there, I will allow some, but not many, to get away with that. Mostly, I get Walter, Wal and a few Walts. But I always introduce myself as Walter.

I guess in the End It doesn’t really matter what they call me as long as, as the old Joke goes, they don’t call me late for dinner!

What about you? What is your preferred name? Mine is Walter, but I have been known to answer to, “Hey, Stupid!”

While on this subject of what name to use, I recently came to know a young African man with an unusual name, starting with a “J” which is pronounced as a “Y”. I only see him once a week or so and so by the next time I saw him, I had forgotten it, and so to hide my embarrassment I asked one of his many workmates his name and the answer I got was “JC”. It turns out that apart from the first person who introduced me to him originally, by his proper name, no one else used or even knew his proper name, as it was deemed too difficult to get their tongues around. It isn’t really, it is just unusual that’s all.

Anyway when I queried him later he said that’s why they all use his Initials as his name. When I asked him which he preferred, he said I could use whatever I liked. It seems people like putting me in this quandary doesn’t it? Any way I decided to hedge my bets and use both names.

When I am talking to someone about him, I use his Initials like everyone else. When I am talking to him direct, I use his proper name like his friends do.

So in closing, who are you to your workmates when it comes to using their names? Friend or workmate? Do you take the time to really get to know the feelings of those around you all the time? Or are they all “JC’s “to you, because it is easier that way? Walter

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