Sunday, March 18, 2007

Treating Others with love and respect

In an earlier article, “I was miffed. I commented on how, after only 3 weeks of Holidays and not shaving I had, what I thought, was a fairly impressive makings of a beard, only to find others didn’t always agree and jokingly told me so. Much to my chagrin.

I also mentioned that after 7 weeks I was now getting much more positive comments; Which is always gratifying and far better than negative comments, even if you know they are joking! So now rather than being miffed I am quite chuffed but for how long? And for what purpose?

Do you understand the point that I am trying to get at here? Well the point I am trying to make here is that our words about others, have the power to encourage or discourage.

I know that I often say things in jokes that I wouldn’t dare say if I really thought they were true, but is that how others “Hear” them? Recently I received the following e-mail:

Treating others with love and respect may be the most intelligent action we can take. Not only does it contribute to world peace it is the route to inner peace. Disregarding, disrespecting, ‘dissing’ others in any way is just plain dumb. Not only do you alienate them and destroy the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship, you poison yourself and the world. No matter what they have done, your resentment hurts you more than them. How do you let go of the bitterness? It’s a choice. You can’t control their behaviour, you can control your response.

It’s the state of your heart that makes you smart.

I realize that this e-mail is talking about more than just joking, but as I hinted above, do the people hearing us realize the distinction? Do we need to exercise more care in our joking, so that we continue to be funny and to bring joy and not pain to our hearers? I say this as much to myself as anyone else as I can be quite challenging to some of my friends. How about you?

Is the state of your heart dumb or smart? Walter.

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