Friday, March 9, 2007

I Want To Be Truly FAT. Do You?

This is your challenge to be FAT. Now before you rush to your fridge to fulfil that challenge, have another Look at the Word FAT.

I was told by a friend of a Seminar that they had recently attended, where they were challenged to be "FAT". That is to be: Flexible, Adaptable and Teachable!

Do you like me wish to be FAT too? Really? Or like me, do you actually think you are fairly FAT already?

I have always considered myself not only Flexible, but considered that flexibility to be one of my (Few) strong points.

Now anyone who is flexible will tell you, that to be flexible, you have no other choice than to be adaptable.

So, so far so good, or as Meatloaf would sing, “Two out of three ain’t bad.” But Flexible and Adaptable, without Teachable, just leaves you as “FA” & not FAT as desired.

So let’s have another look at being teachable.

I can be a great student and get great results if I set my mind to it, but I don’t always see the need to do things the way others want me too. Maybe that is my flexibility exerting itself. Maybe too far at times?

Anyway what about you? Are you flexible and can bend where needed, without being so flexible that you sway with every breeze, no matter how slight? On the other hand, some can be so rigid as to be susceptible to rust, so to speak. Each is equally destructive and to be avoided.

Are you adaptable so that you can accept all the challenges and changes that life and your fellowman throw at you without loosing sight of your ultimate goal. Some can be so adaptable that they change with every movement and become something totally different to what was wanted. Some seem to never change and end up like the Dinosaurs, extinct. Again each extreme is wrong.

When it comes to teaching, we need to be open to new ways, and where practical, give them an airing or trail run, to see if they are truly better. Again we need to find the middle ground and avoid running after every new thought and idea floating around. We all need to learn from those who truly know (as opposed to those who only claim to know), or we become left behind.

So what are you now? FA? AT? Or FAT? If you are in the first two groups, what are you going to do about it? Work on you weak points or go on as you are?

If you already consider yourself FAT, what are you doing to maintain that fitness? Are you working on your weaker parts, while improving your strengths? What say you? After all, like real physical fitness, true gains only come with true application. Are you prepared to do the “Hard yards” to be come truly FAT?

Remember Meatloaf may have a point when he sings “Two out of three ain't bad”, but be that as it may, it “Ain’t good, either. Two out of three may not be bad but it ain't no-where as good as three out of three! Walter

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