Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How Will You Be Remembered?

Went to a funeral recently of a man I didn’t know, but after hearing a bit about him I almost wish I had known him. All spoke fondly of him and his good deeds, yet the thing most remembered of him was his love for practical jokes. Some under different circumstances could have landed him before the Courts for fraud if they had been taken half seriously. Yet he was a much loved and respected “gentleman” that every one remembered fondly.

What about you? Will you be remembered fondly? Or will you be remembered as a “Moaner & Groaner”.

Early in my working history I worked in a Hardware Store and there was a certain man I soon learned not to cheerily ask, “How are you today?” Because if you did, you then literally had to spend 15 to 20 minutes hearing how he was. Now I accept that with only one leg he had some legitimate complaints, but it did him and the hearers no good to air them all the time to all and sundry.

There was another man with serious health problems, who when asked how he was, would always reply, ‘Suffering in silence’. Thereby both telling the truth, but in a jovial way and moving the conversation on.

Now I like a joke as well as anyone but I am not into practical Jokes. I don’t know about you but I would rather be remembered as a Joker who was practical in his life, than as a practical joker. Again what say you? Walter

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