Saturday, March 17, 2007

St Patrick Pop Quiz.

Well as today is St Patrick’s Day world wide, I thought I would see how much you know about St Patrick. So as not to make this too long all I am going to ask you is, Who was He and what was his most famous achievement and why should he be remembered?

1. So who was St Patrick?

If you said Ireland’s most famous son, sorry you are wrong! He was born in Scotland C.493/4 AD.

2. What was his most famous achievement?

If you said driving the Snakes out of Ireland, you are again wrong. Due to geographical separation from mainland Europe and the cold, there probably never were snakes in Ireland.

The 16 year old son of a Scottish noble was kidnapped by a raiding party and spent 6 years in Ireland where he learnt their language and customs including the secrets of the Drude religion. He also met God in prayer there and when he escaped went on a religious learning period and later returned to Ireland with the Popes blessing to evangelize Ireland. He was not the first to go there with that aim, but because of his background, over the next 33 years he converted the whole island to Christianity.

3. So why should he be remembered today?

To those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick's Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide.

At least that is what it was meant to be but sadly today, Saint Patrick's Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck. Most of all, in drinking Green beer.

What about you? Perhaps like me, St Patrick’s day means nothing to you, but if it does, what does it mean to you?

An excuse to party and drink, beer; green or amber?

Or is it a time to remember those who have left their shores to take Christ’s message out to the unknown, both in the past and also today. Who should you be praying for today? Walter

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