Thursday, May 3, 2007


In South Africa Uniforms were a status symbol of sorts, no matter how low the job, or how simple the uniform.

Unskilled labour was plentiful and cheap there, and so many people employed these people to work as maids, Gardeners or even Nigh Watchmen, as well as labourers.

A uniform for these people was simple and almost to the point of being non-existent by our standards.

For a Maid they were happy just to be given a Pinafore to put over their clothes to signify their job. The Gardeners were delighted to have an old pair of overalls or a Dustcoat as their symbol of status. The night Watchman was happy with a heavy coat (the more Military type the better), a Cap (the more like the Police’s the better), and a big stick (to make him look the part) and he was set.

To the majority of people these “Uniforms” were a status symbol and a sign that they had a job at a time when the official unemployment rate was over 60% or more depending where you were.

Enough of South Africa, what about Here? What about you? Do you need to wear a uniform to feel that you belong? What is it that gives you that feeling of belonging? The Uniform or Job satisfaction? What say you? Walter.

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