“Well, you sure do know how to make me do research. I just went through a bunch of stuff on the web and the most interesting thing I found, I think, was that in prehistoric times, camels were on every continent in the world EXCEPT Australia. They were imported to you between 1860 and 1907. And by the 1920's motorized vehicles took their place for transportation, so they were released. That's why you have so many wild ones. Then I read on to find out more. As usual, with my interest in people, I began to liken the camel to people.
1. They work hard unless they take a notion to balk and ignore the commands
2. Their hump is a lump of fat (I have those below my waist)
3. They need people
4. After a baby is born, it likes to be with the mother for a period of time
5. They have calluses
6. They have curly eyelashes (I failed on this one, mine are straight)
7. They have trouble when the sun is too bright, they squint their eyes
8. They groan when they get up off the ground on to their feet (I understand this one)
9. They kick
10. They hear well, but pay no attention sometimes
11. They spit
12. They have a big mouth
13. When food is scarce, they eat anything
14. Strong legs
Well, that's my research. Camels are interesting. I would love to ride one sometime. My friend rode one in Egypt, but I'll never get that far I don't think. I agree about making judgments of people who have different opinions, etc. Reminds me of the story about the blind men who discussed their opinion of the elephant they touched.”
I (Walter) have briefly ridden a Camel, for about 5 minutes, doubled up with my brother, in a ride in the Outback, sometime back in the 1960’s. Not the most comfortable ride I have ever had, but fun none the less. But like a lot of things, fun when it is done for fun, but not fun when you have to do it all the time I would imagine!
Back to the description of camels above, which, if any can you relate too? I kind of relate to Numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, and have been accused every now and then of number 12.