Saturday, June 30, 2007

What Do I Do with This?

Well I finally got around to doing something about changing jobs and start my new one on August 5. I have officially and actually finished my present job as of the end of June and having a months break. Partially because I will need them later and partially because I knew I would not have the time to answer fully or even partially some of the couple of hundred plus inquiries that would inevitably follow when the people who pass by the kiosk hear I am leaving, I had some Business Cards made up. On the Cards are my new Employer’s logo and Name, plus mine and my phone number and e-mail address, plus what time we start.

I started handing them out last week to the few who knew or overheard me say then, that I was leaving soon. As I was expecting some interesting responses, where I could and had the time, I watched their faces. Some of them were priceless. As expected, some when they found out what I will soon be doing, point blank refused to take them, a couple others, (one a little to my surprise,) took it and carefully put it in the cardholders of their wallets. However it was the greater majorities reaction that amused me most. When I receive something like that, I always look at it and then, if I haven’t outright refused it, put it in my pocket. Even if later it finds its way into a bin.

Yesterday however many, when they found out where I was going and what I was going to do, stood there briefly stunned with a look on their faces that said, “What on earth am I going to do with this? Eventually, as I said most of them took them and reluctantly put them in their pockets. But it was interesting to watch.

My purpose in giving the Card to them, was to make it easier for me to explain what I would soon be doing, because I feel it is easier to take in a strange new thought, if you have something to look at, rather than just trust your ears in a crowded situation. It was only a Business Card, but you would have thought it was something seditious by their reluctance to even accept it.

I like a bit of written information myself because I can go away and look at it later when I have more time and make a more nuanced decision, even if nine times out of ten it ends up in the Bin. What about you? Are you prepared to at least being temporary open to consider a new, or strange to you, idea? Or will you reject anything out of your ordinary experiences without even an exploratory look? What say you? Am I really the strange one Here?

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