Monday, August 1, 2011

Patios or Pathos?

Patois is one of those words where I always thought I knew what it meant, but have since discovered that I was thinking of the meaning of pathos and not patios.
Patios, the word of the Day for Friday, July 8, 201, I have since discovered, actually means:
1. A regional version of a language differing from its standard, literary form.
2. A rural or provincial form of speech.
3. Any jargon or private form of speech.
A clearer sense of the word’s meaning comes from understanding its origin: Patois enters English in the 1600s from the Old French patoier, "to handle clumsily."
Which is how some people say us Australians, and me in particular, speak English! Lol.
Anyway, patios means something slightly different or a little clumsier or rougher than the original. And particularly in regard to speech. Pathos, on the other hand means:
1. The quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion.
2. Pity.
3. Obsolete. Suffering.
So although sounding similar there is a great difference of meaning between the two isn’t there? Thus once again I am reminded of the danger of always thinking you have things right and don’t need to learn more! Which is one reason I enjoy writing these blogs as I find information that stretches me, and I hope, you too!
Anyway, now you know that patios means a rough or clumsy copy of the original, while pathos, means having pity or compassion, which word best describes you? And what are some other words that sound similar but are totally different in meaning?

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