Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What if everyone was like ….

Just a short blog today. Short but one that I hope will cause you to think about yourself seriously. Recently our small group was asked to ask ourselves this following question:

“What kind of group would my group be, if everyone was like Me?”

An interesting question and one I am not sure I really want to think about myself but know that I should. I know what sort of Person I think I am, but is that really how others see me? And would I really be proud of the “Me” that others see? And would I even like them, let alone want to be with a whole group of them?

Enough of me, what about you? That is your “homework” for today. Answering the following question. “What kind of group would my group be, if everyone was like Me?” Over to you for your response: Walter

1 comment:

Lynx217 said...

I don't want anyone to be like me! I like being unique!