Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Quiff.

Went for my last Physiotherapy session at the Austin Hospital recently. As I was walking to the Physiotherapy section, I walked past a medical staff member who had a quiff on the top of his head. Looking at it, it was obvious that he had gone to a lot of trouble and a lot of gel to get his quiff to stay put.

Which I thought quite funny, as since a couple of haircuts back, I have had an unwanted quiff that I have to spend time and effort just to keep it stuck down!!!!!!!

Funny isn’t it, how none of us seem happy with what we have, and always seem to want the opposite? I have known short people who want to be tall and tall people who want to be short! People with curly hair who want straight and People with straight hair that want Curly. I am sure you can add some other examples of your own to the list.

Why is this so? Why are we never happy with what we have and usually want the opposite? Again I have no answers here, except to encourage us at these times to stop and be grateful for what we have and to use it to it’s full advantage, and stop trying to change it. In some case you may be able, superficially at least, to make some change, such as curly to straight hair or vice a versa, but such change is only temporary, usually expensive and often ultimately damaging to one’s health.

So what is there in your life that you are worrying about now, that really is superficial and ultimately unchangeable? A concern that you are wasting your time and efforts on? Get over it and move on to the more important things and enjoy the things you have and stop worrying over the things you never can have. Use what you have to the best of your abilities and have a happy life. That’s an order: Walter

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