Sunday, January 14, 2007

Modern Technology! Weird, Wonderful or both?

How do you feel about Modern Technology? Do you think the whole thing just too weird to worry about? And if you miss out on anything new, well tuff! After all you have lived all your life till now without it, and see no need to try anything new.

Or do you see modern Technology as wonderful and have all the latest creations, no matter how much they cost you? Whether you really need them or not?

When it comes to keeping up with the latest Technology, I am definitely a needs only follower. For a long time I had resisted both the Mobile Phone and the computer. Eventually I was introduced to various functions of both that I came to accept. However, a mobile phone is still only for taking and making necessary phone calls and not for every day usage. There is still a land-line for that. As for Text Messages? What are they?

It is similar with the computer; I truly believe it is a wonderful piece of equipment and has a myriad of wonderful uses. But! As for me, I only know how to open Word, and e-mail, and as that is all I perceive I need to know, that is all I want to know. Also it works for me. Well most of the time that is. The only problem is that when I have a problem, I have a major problem and I have to wait till my son is available to solve it for me.

Recently I became aware of the benefits of Blog sites, and after thinking of it for some time, eventually had my son create one for me to put my musings on. Which he did, lovely boy that he is! And every thing went fine; until early this past week, when for reasons I have yet to learn, I became unable to open up to my own site. Unfortunately my son was away for a week leaving me stuck with my problem.

As I was on holiday this week and as it was a non important matter, I was reasonably happy enough to wait till he gets back. However had this been important, I would have been in BIG trouble and would have had to hire some expensive outside professional to do that which is probably a very simple task.

Enough of me, what about you? Are you making the most of what is available around you? And are you taking the trouble to learn all you need to know about it? Or are you like me? Only making do which what you have to use, and with no idea how to maintain it? And as there is little need to know, refuse to learn?

Remember, despite our hopes and wishes, there won’t always be someone around able to help us out all the time. If we are going to use something regularly, then we really should learn the basics about it. Even if that is like how I am learning. One step; or rather one problem, at a time.

So, if you are reading this on my Blog site, you know I have just learnt one more valuable lesson in modern Technology and its uses and problems! Walter

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