Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Are you a Well?

On our former Church property there was an old well. Early in the last century that well used to give life giving water and refreshment for passing travelers and horses that used to stop at the wayside Coach-stop there. But for many years now it has been dry and filled in. Although from the outside the well looks promising and looks like it even might still house a long deep hole, it is only a metre or so deep and instead of being used for its original purpose its usage now is only symbolic.

On the one hand I think that it was very, very appropriate that the old well site was in the middle of the church property symbolizing the living water that can flow out of the Church, if we are all serious about God’s purpose for both us as individuals and for us as a church or more correctly as God’s called out gathering that gathers there.

But on the other hand I can’t help thinking that many a church is more symbolically like the dry barren well out there.

What about you? Are you a clear well full of life saving water? And if you are, are you giving out this life giving living water or are you just storing it away out of reach of those who need it most?

Or are you dry and barren and just about all filled up with rubbish like the well in the garden of our former Church property? Like it are you dry and Empty? Symbolic perhaps but practically useless?

Good only to look at and no earthly use for its intended Purpose.

Are you fulfilling your God given calling to the best of your ability?

Or are you dry and useless? Even worse, are you dry and useless but still taking up valuable space?

Taking up valuable space but not giving anything of value back?

Looking promising from the outside but empty inside?

All promise and show but nothing of value inside?

Why does the well outside, no longer give access to water?

Because it has been disconnected from its source by rubbish.

The outer self or shell, the thing that outwardly signifies that there is a water hole here, has been disconnected from its source for a more convenient and comfortable purpose.

What about you and me? Have we been disconnected from our power source? Our source of life giving water, simply because the new way is more convenient and comfortable spot?

Or worse? Have we not just allowed but actually moved ourselves to a more convenient spot?

Have you allowed the outward forces on our lives to move you to a more comfortable spot?

Let me remind you brothers and sisters, there is no more comfortable spot that being in God’s place for you, no matter what storms are raging around you. Return, return to the source of your being.

Return to the source of the true living water. I am not abdicating that we build a new well, but I am encouraging you to return in your heart to Jesus Christ as your life giving water supply and return to the task that he has called you to be.

Remember Acts 1: 8?

“Be My witnesses…”

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