Thursday, February 14, 2008

What I do, you can too!

Recently I have received a few compliments on my blog items. One commented that I was obviously getting more comfortable in my writings. And it is true. I am starting to get more comfortable in my writing, but I still find it an effort getting my thoughts down on paper. Especially as I only type with two fingers. But I have resolved to keep writing when I have something to write about.

Now I thought there might be a few others in a similar situation to me at this time and so I aim to write a few blogs about how my writing skills (such as they are) came about. (Not that I can claim any great success as a writer!) Two letters published in the Letter’s collum of our city’s number one News Paper hardly counts as a published author does it?

Nonetheless, I am going to keep writing for my small audience and myself. Whether I am published or not and whether others appreciate it or not, is not that important! (Although it would be nice. Very nice indeed!). Again that is not to say that compliments aren’t appreciated, just appreciated as bonuses and not as the reason for writing!

Before, when I wrote an earlier blog about; ”Self Confidence & Encouragement.” I was still going to continue writing anyway, but it did result in a few extra compliments, which was very nice. It is always nice when you get some response from the main audience that you are writing for. But not always necessary. But at least now I know it is worth the effort and time. So thanks again for all those comments. Both the good and the bad. They both help improve my writing.

All of this is just to introduce some future blogs on how I developed my writing skills and how you can too! And of course, what works for writing skills also works in other areas of our lives too. So never give up if you feel called to something and use all comments, both the good and the bad, to learn from and to further develop and improve your present skills. Catch you later: Walter

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