Monday, February 11, 2008

Swimming Along, But Not Very Far.

In my earlier blog,’ Swimming along but not alone” I told how I had taken up swimming for my back’s benefit and how I only did that with a friend’s support. What I didn’t tell you was that I can’t really swim.

Many, many years ago at State School (that’s how old I am! They call them Primary Schools now!) Anyway at School we had weekly swimming Lessons at the old Outdoors pool at Diamond Creek. (Long gone now!) Anyway all I ever managed there was enough to get a Herald Certificate, by swimming across from one side of the pool to the other, not the length of it, 25 yards from memory. Apart from doing Water skiing, I have never really swum nor had the need to, except for a few times in the Murrumbidgee River while up in Wagga Wagga some 20 years ago, and even there it was a case of walking a kilometre or so up stream and swim/float back down, not real swimming. I do remember once swimming across to the other side, and barely making it back again and having to walk a hundred metres or more back up the river as I had floated so far of Course. All this to show that swimming is not my strong point and so being confronted by a 50-metre pool can be a bit daunting.

Changing the subject ever so slightly, do you know how to eat an Elephant? It really is very simple. Just one mouthful at a time, till you get to the end. That is how I am approaching my swimming and the 50-metre Pool. My friend goes three times a week and swims between 20 and 30 laps each time. Me? Well I have only committed myself for one morning a week for this month, to see if I will commit even further, or give it away. I am not sure if swimming is really for me, but I want to base my decision on more than one or two attempts.

My friend tells me that he only took it up again just over 12 months ago, although he could swim a bit before that, so that gave me a little encouragement. Anyhow, in my first attempt, using the eating an Elephant method, I actually did two lengths of the pool stopping halfway each time, plus two half-lengths. (I was trying for a third lap but got half way and decided to go back in the shallower water.)

The second time I did 4 lengths but again stopping halfway each time, so you see I still have a long way to go before I can actually say I have swum even one full length, but at least I am trying it out.

What about you? When you are advised for health or safety reasons to try something new or different and difficult, will you give it a fair go, or give up after one or two halfhearted attempts, if you even start to begin with? Or will you give it a fair trail before making a final decision one way or the other?

At this stage I am still not convinced that swimming is for me, but I aim to find out fully before I make my final decision either way. What about You?

1 comment:

Lynx217 said...

swimming might not be your cup of tea (I can't really swim either cause I have so little fat on me, I just sink), but you don't have to swim to help your back. Try a couple of my suggestions. White Willow herb really helps alleviate back pain long-term and instead of focusing on swimming, try just doing some arm motions while laying in in a hot bathtub. Also check into local fitness clubs and see if they have water fitness programs which modify normal workouts for water, increasing effects with less effort and pain. Good luck from one chronic back pain sufferer to another.