Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rameses 2 and You.

Was reading an Archaeological journal* and came across the following statement about Rameses 2. (Whom many believed was the Pharaoh of Moses’ time. Others believe it was his son, Merenptah. Yet others believe Rameses2 left no heirs, so I don’t really know!)

Anyway, here is the quote about Rameses 2, who definitely ruled Egypt sometime: “ Rameses 2 was the greatest pharaoh who ever ruled Egypt, if you listen to what Rameses said. It is true that he built a lot of temples, erected many obelisks, and had a lot of statures of himself made, but he only really fought one major battle and he nearly lost that at Kadesh. Nevertheless he made the most of it recounting the battle at length in his inscriptions on the walls of his temples.”

Sounds like a guy I once knew. Another friend said about this Guy: “He gets so tired from patting himself on the back that he is too tired to do anything else!”

What about your achievements? Are they so small that you feel that you have to tell every one about them, just to build them and yourself up, but then have no time to do anything more of real significance?

I once heard a cutting comment about the difference between two people, (one the Father in-law of the other). “The First was always talking about what He was going to do, while the other is always talking about what he has actually done.”

Which are you? The one who is always talking or the on who is always doing first then talking? There is nothing wrong in being proud of your achievements. Just that it helps if you first have something decent to talk about. Again what about you? Are you a “Gunna” or a “Dunna”? What say you? Walter

(* “Diggings” Oct 2007. Vol. 24,m No 10 ISSN 1320-4424)

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