Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lawn mower Diet.

I am the sort of person who has never had to watch my weight or diet my whole life. It may be more by good luck and genes than good management, but it is a fact. So diets don’t have any attraction to me. However it is increasingly being pushed in all the media that Australia is fast over coming America in the race to be the most obese Country in the world. Hence there has been a massive increase in the advertising, promotion and inventing of diets.

The Media has been full of it lately. On the current affairs programs of late have been a couple of more innovative yet still practical ones introduced to the world at large.

One was the Clothesline diet. Where a young lady self-conscious of the stares of others, would not go walking in public, but decided to walk around her ‘clothesline (The rotary Type) for a certain time everyday to substitute for walking in public.

The most recent I heard was a week or so ago and is called the Pram diet. A young first-time mum decided she needed to lose weight and so placing her baby in the pram (What we saw on TV was actually a Stroller) and off she went. First she started going further and further everyday, then she started to add extra weight to the pram such as water and books etc, and then she started recruiting others to walk with her.

{Actually both these ladies wrote books about their diet plans and both added one extra ingredient. An ingredient that all diets must take into consideration at some point and that is, both eating healthier foods and smaller portions.}

It seems to a dumb old layman like myself that when it comes to losing weight, there is no quick and easy solution and the old ways are best. What is the old way? Eat healthy of all 5 food groups; eat smaller portions; and get plenty of exercise.

Now of course we all know that don’t we but we find it hard to do don’t we? Especially the exercise part. That’s where my “New “ Diet comes in. It doesn’t help you in the food department but my diet involves plenty of exercise and plenty of upper and lower body exercises too. What is my fabulous diet secret?

Mowing the lawn! It is a regular activity which, as I said gives you plenty of exercise, and upper and lower body movement too. It is a great exercise and practical way to lose weight isn’t it? After all it is a re-occurring event and something that needs doing anyway and if we don’t do it, we are just going to have to pay someone else to do it aren’t we?

And there in lies one of the great paradoxes of our time. The things we used to do that burnt of excess weight, like house cleaning, mowing, walking the dog, even washing and hanging out the washing is now being out-sourced to others, while we pay fortunes for fancy diets and Gym machines, ‘to try and control” our weight!

Crazy isn’t it? What’s your solution? Mine is just eating properly and doing the “Normal” energy/weight’ burning jobs around the house yourself and saving the money spent on diets and gym equipment, for other things. What say you? Walter

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